April 19

Mechanical Engineering Building Envelope Stabilization


University of Wisconsin | Madison, Wisconsin | 2020-2022

Services Provided

  • Façade Inspection and Analysis
  • Laser Scanning
  • Repair detailing
  • Construction oversight

The University of Wisconsin-Madison’s Mechanical Engineering Building was originally constructed in 1930 and was substantially renovated in 2007. Due to significant masonry cracking and observed damage to the building’s decorative terra cotta, in 2019 the University began an effort to stabilize and restore the structure.

Building Envelope Professionals Group was engaged by prime consultant McGowan Architects to complete a full assessment of the exterior of the building, including masonry and terra cotta analysis, sealants, and roofing systems. BEPG staff fully assessed the exterior, testing individual terra cotta pieces and noting masonry and mortar failures, as well as other building deficiencies. BEPG also completed a full laser scan of the building exterior in order to accurately document the exterior envelope and assist the restoration process.

Following completion of design documentation and specifications, BEPG will assist with construction oversight, expected to begin Spring 2021.


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